I'm Jamie {the blonde} and new to the blogging world! My friend Tracy over at Project Second Grade, convinced me to start my very own blog, which I have been wanting to do for some time now--you know how it usually takes someone to call you out on something to make you actually do the thing you've been saying you are going to do to actually get you up to do it? Yeah, well if you understood THAT you're probably the pusher--I need people like you in my life....welcome.
I consider myself as some sort of "gypsy" if you will. I, as most of us do, wear MANY different hats in my day to day life: teacher, decorator, sister, fashionista, wife, cleaning lady, DIYer, make-up enthusiast, and mommy to 2 PRECIOUS cairn terriers {to say I adore them would be an understatement}--I can foresee them appearing A LOT in this blog...my apologies {ahead of time}.
I plan on writing about all of the above, or anything else that may pop into my head at any given moment-which may be a challenge considering I get easily distracted--SQUIRREL! Oh boy, this could be scary...
Today kicks off my first day of Summer Vacation (WOOT-WOOT) so what better timing than to write my first post!? I plan on making the next few weeks off meaningful and purposeful by completing some house renovations and some much needed decorating, as well as planning/ posting some new second grade units for our newly adopted Journeys Reading Series, and who knows what else!
So kick off your shoes (or slippers to all my teacher friends out there) and let's get this party started!

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